What are the bandwidth, hardware and technology requirements for Echo360 Active Learning Platform?

What are the bandwidth, hardware and technology requirements for Echo360 Active Learning Platform?

Bandwidth: Recordings typically consume 700MB of data per hour viewed. Live streams typically consume 1.5GB of data per hour viewed. Participating in interactive presentations where students do not play videos on their devices require much smaller amounts of data as the content comprises mainly of static images. A typical interactive presentation without a video component may only require 10MB of data.


Devices: A laptop or mobile device is required for students to participate in interactive presentations. Ensure you have adequate battery charge as only some theatres provide power under seats for charging. Presenters can use any PC provided with the lectern or bring their own laptop. The platform is accessible through any browser on Mac and PC and through a mobile device browser. An app can be used for mobile devices (excluding watching live stream video lectures) please see FAQ for information relating to the Echo360 app.


Flash for Live Streaming: With the exception of iOS browser, flash is required to live stream video lectures. To test if you have flash installed and for information on how to enable flash in your browser please see; https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html

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