Is there a way to make a copy of content in an iLearn week/topic?

If you have a label (such as the lectures, readings, activities, etc), a resource, or an activity in your unit that you would like to duplicate, you can do this by using the Duplicate icon. duplicate icon For example, you can use the duplicate functionality to create 13 forums if you wish to have one for every week of session but don't want to create them one by one. As part of the duplication process, the settings are retained. For example if you have set your forum to be available to a certain group, you don't have to re-enter these settings.

  1. Click Turn editing on.
  2. Locate the item that you wish to duplicate and click on the Duplicate icon.
  3. The message below will appear. Click Continue.
  4. Click Return to the course or Edit the new copy to edit what you have duplicated.
  5. When you return to your unit, you will notice that the duplicated item will be sitting directly below the original. You can move it anywhere within your unit using the Move icon. move icon

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