Can I use the Echo360 Active Learning Platform on a mobile device. Is there an app?

Can I use the Echo360 Active Learning Platform on a mobile device. Is there an app?

You can view recordings and participate in interactive presentations on mobile devices.


For live streaming only iOS is currently supported by accessing through the mobile safari browser. Live streaming is not currently available on any device through the Echo360 app.


To access the platform without installing the app, access iLearn and the Echo360 Active Learning Platform through your mobile devices browser. Using this method for playing back recordings works well on a mobile device. Using this method for participating in interactive presentations may not work so well, depending on the size of mobile device's screen and the complexity of the interactive presentation, you might find the interface constrained and difficult to navigate as the interactive presentation features are not optimised for access through mobile browsers.

The second option is to download the Echo360 Active Learning Platform app, available for iOS, Android and Windows10. This allows you to access recordings and also participate in interactive presentations in a more user friendly interface than a mobile browser. To ensure your units show up in the app you must first use a browser (can be a mobile browser) to login to iLearn and click the Echo360 Active Learning Platform link in each iLearn unit you are enrolled in or convene. Simply clicking the Echo360 Active Learning Platform link in an iLearn unit once will ensure the unit becomes accessible to you through the mobile app.


To download the app for your device see;

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