How can I change available grades so that they reflect my mark scheme?

iLearn assumes that you will probably be working with percentages and so offers a choice of grades from 0 to 100. If this does not reflect your mark scheme, it is possible to create a customised grade scale eg 'A to E' or 'Poor to Outstanding'.  Bear in mind that, if you chose to use customised grade scales, this will impact on your ability to run reports on the data in iLearn.

To create a new grade scale:

  1. Go to the Tools block and select Grades.
  2. Click on the Scales tab.
  3. Click on the Add a new scale link.
  4. Enter a Name.
  5. Add the scale - each element separated by a comma. (When marking, your scale will show in the grade drop down box with the first element entered at the bottom of the list. So for a scale A to E it might be best to enter the scale as E,D,C,B,A so that A is at the top of the list)
  6. Click Save changes.

To add the scale to your assignment (activity):

  1. Go to the assignment.
  2. Click on Update this assignment.
  3. In the Grade dropdown menu, choose your scale.
  4. Click Save and return to unit or Save and display.

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