How do I scaffold content in a week/topic?

Conditional activities allow you to scaffold students’ learning progress by making access to resources or activities conditional upon meeting set criteria such as grade obtained, dates or activity completion. For example, students may only be able to access quiz 2 after obtaining at least 80% in quiz 1.

You need to complete three steps in order to set up conditional activities:

  1. Enable completion tracking for the whole unit.
  2. Set the criteria for a resource or activity to be considered as ‘complete’.
  3. Set the conditions to restrict access to a resource or activity.

To enable completion tracking for the unit:

You must enable completion tracking in your unit, before you can set up conditional activities.

  1. Go to the Tools block and select Edit settings.
  2. Scroll down to Student Progress.
  3. Select Enabled, control via completion and activity settings for Completion tracking.
  4. Tick Completion tracking begins on enrolment.
  5. Click Save changes.

You must then assign the conditions for an individual resource or activity to be considered ‘complete’.

To set completion criteria for a resource or activity:

  1. Click Turn editing on.
  2. To edit click on the Edit icon next to the resource or activity link or go to the Tools block and select Edit settings from within the resource or activity.
  3. Scroll down the page to the Activity completion section. The available options will be different according to the type of resource of activity. For example, you can require students to simply view a URL before it can be marked as ‘complete’ or you can require students to make a certain number of postings in a forum before it can be marked as ‘complete'.
  4. Click Save and return to unit.

To restrict access to a resource or activity:

  1. Go to the editing page of the resource or activity you wish to restrict access to by following steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. Scroll down the page to the Restrict access section.

To restrict access according to dates:

  1. Tick Enable to activate date menus.
  2. Assign dates using the drop down menus for Allow access from and Allow access until.

To restrict access according to a Grade condition:

  1. Assign an activity for Grade condition from the available options and a grade that must be obtained.

To restrict access according to an Activity completion condition:

  1. Assign an activity or resource and completion condition from the available options.
  2. Click on the Add 2 grade/activity conditions to the form button to add additional conditions.
  3. Assign whether to Show activity greyed-out, with restriction information or Hide activity entirely before activity can be accessed.
  4. Click Save and return to unit.

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