What are the features available within an iLearn unit?
Features within an online unit include:
- Navigation block allows you to move easily within the unit and also move between units.
- Tools block contains tools for unit administration and profile settings.
- Breadcrumbs appears across the top of the page tracking your path as you navigate around the unit. Use the Breadcrumbs to return to a page you visited.
- Topic 0 is the first week/topic that appears within the unit. Topic 0 can contain a heading (unit name), welcome message, image, link to announcements, assessment guide, and unit guide.
- Announcements block displays any recent announcements made.
- Week/topic divides the unit into sections.
- Expand topic button to view or collapse unit content of a week/topic.
- Blocks make the different functions and activities of the unit easily accessible. Some commonly used blocks are announcements, calendar, upcoming events, activities, comments, quiz results, random glossary entry, remote RSS feeds.
- Turn editing on button allows you to build and make changes to the unit. This button will only feature if you are enrolled in the unit with editing permissions.
- My Profile links to your profile in iLearn that stores basic user information and a number of settings to help manage online communication through iLearn.
- Help me links to further information and support contacts.
- Increase/decrease text size by clicking on the appropriate button.